Accident insurance

Health insurance helps you cover medical bills, but what about the out-of-pocket costs? Accident insurance from Allstate Health Solutions can help you cover those, too.

Accident insurance is a supplemental plan that pays you a cash benefit for covered services, like seeing a doctor for a twisted ankle or an unexpected stay in the hospital for pneumonia. These benefits are paid regardless of your health insurance.

Highlights include:

  • Flexible plan terms, from 30 to 364 days
  • No network restrictions
  • Guaranteed coverage for applicants aged 18 to 64
  • No waiting periods

Accident coverage is a “fixed benefit” plan, meaning the amount you get is fixed based on the service, not your health plan, network or provider.

If your accident plan pays $500 for a dislocated shoulder, you get $500 paid directly to you, up to plan limits. You can use the money to cover out-of-pocket costs related to treatment or anything else you need. It’s added protection against the cost of medical mishaps.